EuroCC2 NCC Serbia

National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing

After successfully setting up the PARADOX-V machine earlier this year, we are now preparing for a GPU upgrade of the PARADOX-V cluster this summer. This upgrade has been made possible thanks to the CTRUST grant from the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, which was awarded to Dr. Marija Mi...

FFplus is the continuation of the previous Fortissimo projects (Fortissimo 1 and 2, FF4EuroHPC). These projects directly tackled the barriers for SMEs by using HPC, HPDA, or AI to optimize or develop products and processes. The aim was to enhance the global competitiveness of European industry.


The ChEESE Tsunami and Meteo-Tsunami Modelling Training Course, which took place on 13 and 14 May 2024, is now available to watch online as a two-part series.

This training course covers the fundamentals and numerical techniques for modeling and simulating tsunamis and meteo-tsunamis. The webina...

The High-performance computing center in Stuttgart will host an online training event introducing attendees to oneAPI, SYCL2020, and OpenMP offloading from 23 September to 25 September 25 2024. Registration closes on 8 September 2024.

A similar event took place in September of last yea...

The Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP) Centre of Excellence (CoE) in HPC, along with NCC Austria, NCC Czechia, NCC Hungary, NCC Poland, and NCC Slovakia, are collaborating to organize the POP3 Profiling and Optimization Tools Workshop. This event will take place online from...

EuroCC Austria, in partnership with CoE ESiWACE3, is hosting a training event on GPU Optimization with Kernel Tuner as part of the CoE-EuroCC Training Sprint. This two-half-day training course will take place on 12-13 September 2024.

Kernel Tuner is a tool developed by a team from CoE ESiWAC...

On 17 July 2024, HiDALGO CoE will be presented as part of the Industrial Code of the Month series of events. HiDALGO2 aims to offer fast and precise simulations addressing global challenges, taking into account factors such as current weather and traffic conditions. The goal is to enhance lead...

The Czech National Competence Center in HPC is hosting the Quantum Computing Seminar titled Coherent Control of Light-Driven Electrons in Solids: A Milestone for Multiqubit Computing? The seminar will be held both online and onsite at IT4Innovations on 26 September 2024.

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Together with NVIDIA and OpenACC organization, Cyfronet and the National HPC Competence Centre in Poland will host an online Open Hackathon starting on 22 October and concluding on 31 October. Please send your applications by 12 August 2024.

The purpose of the Open Hackathon is for compu...

Complex systems are ubiquitous and can be found in various domains of physics, biology, and social sciences. Although they differ in origin and function, they share a common feature that they consist of a large number of interacting units, which exhibit collective behavior due to these interactions....

Electron transport in strongly correlated systems (in which the movement of one electron is strongly influenced by all other electrons) is a key topic in condensed matter physics. The low-temperature behaviors of such systems need to be better understood. Innovative quantum many-body numerical metho...

Our understanding of planet and planetesimal formation has been revolutionized by the discovery of numerous exoplanetary systems and their debris discs. One exciting development is the detection of young systems that seem to have belts of planetesimals, but also unexpectedly have high amounts of gas...

The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is a collaborative initiative between the EU, European countries, and private partners. Its goal is to develop a world-class supercomputing ecosystem in Europe. The EuroHPC JU was established in 2018, and Serbia became a membe...

While we wait for PARADOX-V to become fully operational, let's recall the story behind the name of the first installation of the PARADOX cluster. We approached Dr. Aleksandar Belic, one of the founders of the Scientific Computing Laboratory at the Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB), which hou...

HiDALGO2 explores synergies between modeling, data acquisition, simulation, data analysis, and visualization. It will also efficiently utilize current and future HPC and AI infrastructures to develop highly scalable solutions to global climate and social challenges (e.g., violent weather, floods, p...

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