The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is a collaborative initiative between the EU, European countries, and private partners. Its goal is to develop a world-class supercomputing ecosystem in Europe. The EuroHPC JU was established in 2018, and Serbia became a membe...

While we wait for PARADOX-V to become fully operational, let's recall the story behind the name of the first installation of the PARADOX cluster. We approached Dr. Aleksandar Belic, one of the founders of the Scientific Computing Laboratory at the Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB), which hou...

HiDALGO2 explores synergies between modeling, data acquisition, simulation, data analysis, and visualization. It will also efficiently utilize current and future HPC and AI infrastructures to develop highly scalable solutions to global climate and social challenges (e.g., violent weather, floods, p...

ESiWACE focuses on the community's support to reach a higher readiness level regarding exascale supercomputing and knowledge transfer between the different Earth System modeling centers and teams across Europe. The project focuses on three main pillars:

  • the transfer and establishment of knowled...

ChEESE is a center of excellence in solid earth. Its primary objective is to develop 11 flagship codes to address 12 specific computational challenges related to computational seismology, magnetohydrodynamics, and physical volcanology. The codes will be optimized to ensure high performance across v...

BioExcel is a Center of Excellence (CoE) for computational biomolecular research. Its mission is to provide applications, tools, support, and networking opportunities to Life Science researchers, enabling them to address grand scientific challenges by fully exploiting the power of data and computin...